Sense or nonsense?
Before corona vaccines appeared on the market, measles vaccination was regularly in the news. In 2019, there were outbreaks of measles in several countries, most notably Ukraine, Romania and northern Macedonia. The danger of this infectious disease was widely reported in the international media. In particular, its risk of death was highlighted. How serious is measles virus truly and how often does infection lead to death? And if you have not yet been vaccinated, should you get it done as yet? Or are there any, and if so, better alternatives?
By C.F. van der Horst
May 12, 2019, updated September 15, 2022
How Serious Is Measles?
Measles is a contagious viral infectious disease that occurs primarily in children. It starts with colds, coughs, red and photosensitive eyes, and fever. The fever—as is generally more common in young children— can run high. Although very uncomfortable, fever is a natural stimulus that triggers the immune system. In general, measles is a fairly harmless disease that can lead to complications only in rare cases. Such a risk concerns only children in low-income countries (such as Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Nigeria) where other health issues such as inadequate and inadequate nutrition and poor hygiene and medical facilities come into play. Under such wretched conditions, any infectious disease can be the death knell. Contrary to what the media fuss suggested, no one has been dying from measles in the Netherlands for many years.
Interestingly, this was true even before measles vaccination was part of the National Vaccination Program (1976). In the graph below, this is easy to see.
Dutch mortality rates from measles over the period 1905-2019. Preliminary figures for 2019. Source: CBS Causes of Death Statistics
Vzinfo.nl, a website of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), explains how: “In the 1930s, mortality from measles ranged between 200-300 cases per year. The number of deaths became progressively lower, except for an outlier at the end of World War II. When vaccination was introduced in 1976, mortality in the Netherlands had already dropped to a few cases per year. From cause of death statistics and reports, a total of 11 deaths from measles are known in the 35 years between 1981 and 2015.”
Measles Vaccination Does Not Affect Fluctuations in Incidence
There is another interesting fact. Like most infectious diseases, measles incidence fluctuates. Figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) clearly show this. Mandatory registration of this infectious disease began in 1976, the time when measles vaccination was introduced into the National Vaccination Program of the Netherlands. The fluctuation of incidence before this program was implemented, is after its introduction still present. Apparently, whether or not to vaccinate against measles has little or no impact on it.
Measles in the Netherlands using mandatory reporting in 1976 through 2021. Source: CBS
Causes of Death 1996-2020: A Comparison Between Measles and Lightning
To put the severity and threat of measles and the media’s 2019 scare messages in perspective, let’s compare the chances of dying from measles to those from being struck by lightning in the street. According to CBS figures, the chance of dying as a victim of lightning is 4.5 times greater than the chance of dying from measles.
The numbers indicate that there is really nothing to worry about in the Netherlands. Therefore, similar western countries can rest assured as well. So where does the rush to vaccinate against measles come from?
Vaccines: A Very Lucrative Business
It is astonishing that the supposedly independent World Health Organisation is causing such an uproar. Daily newspaper Trouw, for example, already wrote about the WHO’s alarm about the high mortality rate in Europe due to measles, a fact that does not match what we see here in the Netherlands. An example of how WHO distorts the facts can be found here. It looks a lot like disease promotion so the vaccine industry can sell its products. You have seen an even greater example of alarmism between 2019 and 2022.
Vaccines are a billion-dollar business. According to World Health Organization figures, between 2000 and 2013, the global vaccine market tripled in value (from 5 billion to nearly 24 billion dollars). In 2019, estimated sales were 33 billion dollars, and that was still before the major vaccination campaigns against COVID-19. Reuters news agency predicted in April 2021 that $157 billion will be spent worldwide through 2025 on COVID-19 vaccines alone.
Who Sets World Health Organization Policy?
An excerpt from the book Deadly Lies: How Doctors and Patients Are Deceived, is appropriate here, as it explains both the aforementioned disease promotion and also the background of the World Health Organization in Geneva. “WHO has become dependent on funding from industrial and private sources since 2004 due to the many PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships). For example, with an annual contribution of 446 million dollars (about 10% of WHO’s total budget), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was the second largest donor after the US. However, the money was not given unconditionally, as the couple did remain in control of what the money was spent on.
Since Bill Gates is a strong supporter of global vaccination (through the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccination Program—the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has also been the initiator and driving force behind the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation—GAVI) and large sums of money go there, no doubt that will have contributed to a benevolent attitude at the WHO toward vaccination programs.” Duly noted. Nor is it a coincidence that Gates has shares in nine major vaccine manufacturers.
Strategic Philanthropy
In an interview on the US channel CNBC in January 2019, the former Microsoft man said he has made an investment of as much as 10 billion dollars in vaccine development and distribution over the past 20 years. As a businessman, Gates wants to see this investment—after his great example John Rockefeller—paid off through his Foundation and the GAVI. Strategic philanthropy is the term for influencing policy and science with (huge) donations so that the “donation” eventually comes back to the coffers many times over.
Should I Vaccinate My Child?
According to Article 11 of the Dutch Constitution, you may decide whether to have your child vaccinated. This Article reads, “Everyone, subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by or under the law, has the right to the inviolability of his body.” Thus, whether or not to vaccinate your child is entirely up to you and should not constitutionally be determined by a doctor, health clinic, school or daycare center.
It is advisable to consider that every drug, including a vaccine, has side effects. Therefore, one should always make a risk-benefit trade-off before using medications. The media campaigns in which our own government, no less, participates grossly exaggerate both the risks of measles and the benefits of vaccines. The constant repetition of the message to vaccinate by different newspapers or news channels is nothing but an organized campaign. Recognize it for what it is. It is highly questionable that in doing so, the risk of vaccinating against measles or other diseases is completely downplayed.
The current measles vaccine, MMRVAXPRO from manufacturer MSD, contains a number of questionable and not harmless components, such as traces of genetically modified blood protein, monosodium L-glutamate (MSG or E621) and phenol red that can even cause cancer if used chronically.
Deciding Whether or Not to Vaccinate?
It is not that every vaccination is necessarily bad, but rather that there is a risk associated with every vaccination. As a parent, you should be aware of these. The trade-off then should be which is worse, the vaccination or a fairly harmless childhood illness. Also, how many vaccinations do you give your child and at what age?
One cannot, unfortunately, be blindly guided in this consideration by a doctor or consulting bureau because, as you can read here, they cannot be considered health experts. One can be advised by them, but one would do well to inform oneself about vaccination risks as well. Critical organizations such as the Vaccine-Free Foundation, the Dutch Association for Critical Jabbing and the Vaccine Council can tell you more about this.
Because of the side effects, one should take medications or vaccinations only if there is really no other option. According to the above data on measles in the Netherlands, there is absolutely no necessity for vaccines. Moreover, there are safe alternatives to build or strengthen the immune system naturally (see below).
Which Is Better: Natural Immunity or Vaccinating Against Measles?
If a child has had measles, natural immunity provides lifelong protection. This is not always the case when vaccinating against measles. The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) stated: “Passing measles usually gives lifelong immunity. Reinfection with measles virus is rare in people with natural immunity, but can occur in people with vaccine-induced immunity.” Thus, enabling a child to build their own immune system is clearly preferable.
Quality food (organic and high in protein) with lots of vegetables, little or preferably no white sugar and white flour, omega-3 fatty acids and adequate doses of vitamins and minerals are essential for a functioning immune system (see also the book Deadly Lies: How Doctors and Patients Are Deceived). For example, vitamin D has a positive impact on preventing measles. For proper functioning of the immune system in general, vitamins A, B6, B9 (folate or folic acid), B12, C and D and the minerals copper, zinc and selenium are very important. Adequate sleep and exercise also increase resistance.
My Child Has Measles. What Now?
If you think your child has measles, keep them at home and call the doctor. Fever is generally good and helps the immune system, but is something to keep an eye on. Measles is generally not something to worry much about. For example, the RIVM says on its website about treatment: “Measles usually goes away on its own.”
Digibron, the Reformed denomination knowledge center, reports the following about the treatment of measles: “There is no specific treatment for measles other than bed rest, healthy diet and extra fruit. Fever is generally beneficial because it inhibits the multiplication of pathogens. Painkillers suppress fever and thus are counterproductive. On February 5, 2000, Dr. K. de Meer and Prof. Dr. J. J. Roord, pediatricians at the VUmc, reported in the Dutch Journal of Medicine that vitamin A can prevent aggravation of the condition. They recommended that children with measles complications be given vitamin A drops once or twice, 1, 2 or 4 milliliters depending on age.
A homeopath recommended administering Belladonna D3 to children with measles. For ear complaints, Pulsatilla D30 is said to help prevent complications.
In orthomolecular circles, the benefit of additional vitamins A, E, C and supplemental garlic capsules has been pointed out. This would reduce the risk of complications. Drinking a lot is also important, according to orthomolecular doctors, because children with measles have high fevers.”
Want to Know More?
Can you boost your child’s immune system with nutrition? Why is it that the pharmaceutical industry has such influence over doctors and the RIVM? What role do the media play in this? Why are the risks of vaccinations downplayed? What about conflicts of interest? And what can you do for your own health or that of your children?
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