The Untold Story
A new strain of coronavirus was discovered in December 2019. It was given the (tentative) name 2019-nCoV. Before long, we were getting daily updates from the press on how many victims were created by the virus. The news was delivered, after SARS, MERS, and the zika virus, as a new pandemic. New vaccinations would be urgently needed. “A corona vaccine is coming (but whether it’s in time, no one knows),” a headline in the Dutch daily De Volkskrant on Jan. 27, 2020 shouted. This text and similar alarmist messages called back images of the fuss over the dangers of swine flu, which caused the Dutch government to buy 34 million vaccines (€7.20 each)—as it later turned out, completely unnecessary.
By C.F. van der Horst
January 30, 2020, updated September 10, 2022
Note: This article was written at the very beginning of the coronavirus ‘pandemic’ and proved to be of great predictive value. It describes how people and organizations with big interests in the pharmaceutical industry used mass marketing for vaccines and bypassed national governments. It has been proven correct to this day and is therefore republished here largely unchanged.
Sponsored Pandemic
At the time of swine flu (2010), an article entitled “The sponsored pandemic – WHO and swine flu” appeared in the independent German arznei-Telegram. In it, the questionable role of the World Health Organization (WHO) was highlighted. The British medical journal The BMJ was also critical of WHO policy and its lack of transparency: “The key scientists advising the World Health Organization on pandemic flu planning had been doing paid work for the pharmaceutical companies that benefited from the advice they were preparing.”
In the book Deadly Lies: How Doctors and Patients Are Deceived you can read in detail about conflicts of interest of doctors, advisory bodies, and the WHO, among others, and how they affect your health. Is that the case with this new virus as well, and is it another sponsored pandemic?
Coronaviruses: Nothing New Under the Sun
Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1960s. They are held responsible for a significant percentage of all colds (with breathing difficulties) in adults and children. In 2003, a coronavirus caused severe acute respiratory syndrome, better known as SARS. A new type of coronavirus known as Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was identified in September 2012. In December 2019, a new strain of coronavirus, 2019-nCoV (short for 2019 novel coronavirus), was reportedly discovered in Wuhan, China.
Symptoms and Treatment
“People with the new coronavirus have lung complaints and are short of breath. They also have a fever,” the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) reported. The then Dutch Minister of Medical Care, Bruno Bruins, adopted that text in a letter to the Chair of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands. As is the case with most conditions, the current medical approach is able to treat only the symptoms. “There is no specific treatment against coronaviruses, but the symptoms can be treated,” said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove for the World Health Organization WHO.

WHO through Dr. Van Kerkhove: “There are no specific treatments for coronaviruses, but symptoms can be treated.”
Death due to Severe Underlying Condition
The WHO reported on January 12, 2020, that in Wuhan “among the 41 confirmed cases, there was one death. This death occurred in a patient with a serious underlying medical condition {emphasis added}.” In other words, the virus can be fatal in someone who is already very sick. For someone who is healthy and has a functioning immune system, the chances of getting sick are slight and the chances of death, practically nil.
On January 29, 2020, the WHO reported that the number of people worldwide with the virus had risen to more than 6,000. 99% of them were in China. The death toll had risen to 132.
Coronavirus Jolts Imagination
Things are seldom as bad as they are made out to be. Consider the average excess mortality (higher than normal mortality rates) due to common flu over the past 10 years. In the Netherlands, it would involve an average of 2,000 people a year, many of whom are elderly with weakened immune systems. In comparison, what the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV is doing worldwide is a joke. Harald Wychgel, press officer of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, said on the RTL News website, “Of course, the common flu is a more real danger. But we still know little about the coronavirus. That is something that appeals to the imagination of people and media.” It is precisely this imagination running wild that caused the Dutch government to purchase swine flu vaccines. Is it going in that direction again now?
Fake News
We know by now that we cannot believe everything the media presents to us. This also appears to be the case with coverage of new viruses and pandemics. Take for example SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in 2003, when Professor Frank Plummer, director of Canada’s premier virology laboratory, played a key role. In an article in The Scientist, this infectious disease expert said that the new coronavirus is unlikely to be the cause of SARS. “The coronavirus is definitely in the air, it’s definitely circulating,” he said, “but based on our data, the relationship to SARS is pretty weak,” Plummer told the magazine.
The New York Times reported that although the World Health Organization proclaimed that the coronavirus SARS-CoV was the cause of SARS, Plummer was not so convinced. Too many findings did not add up. For instance, the researcher found the virus in only 40% of probable and suspected cases. He expressed surprise that it was also present in 20% of people who were not considered SARS patients.
Is the WHO Acting Prematurely?
In concluding that SARS-CoV was the culprit, the WHO was guided by the work of Dutch scientists at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. The team, led by the elsewhere mentioned interest conflicted virologist Ab Osterhuis, had experimentally infected monkeys with SARS-CoV and, as a result, a lung disease identical to SARS developed. Plummer, however, objected that the Dutch scientists did not use other monkeys as a scientific control group. He himself had inoculated small animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs and mice with the SARS virus and they remained free of disease. Plummer felt that more research and independent confirmation by other laboratories were necessary before a firm statement about the cause of SARS could be made. On the link between SARS-CoV and SARS, he said: “The evidence becomes less and less conclusive as we move forward.”
Pandemic by Conjecture
With swine flu, cases appeared to be counted inaccurately. Reporter Sharyl Attkisson of the television station CBS discovered in 2009 that people in the US with flu symptoms were reported as swine flu victims based on assumptions and estimates. Without laboratory studies identifying the H1N1 virus as the cause of swine flu, however, it is impossible to determine how many of these people actually had swine flu. Of course, if random flu sufferers are included, a pandemic is quickly established.
Coronavirus or Air Pollution?
There is another barely discussed factor that may play a role in lung disease. According to National Geographic, more than one million people a year die in China from air pollution. Wuhan, an industrial city of more than 11 million people, is the most populous city in Central China. For years, there have been complaints in that area about severe air pollution and (yellow) smog that can cause lung problems—the reason many Chinese wear face masks. Even school children do not escape it).
Air pollution in Wuhan on Jan. 30, 2020: real-time air quality index (AQI).
Code red was in effect at 3 p.m. on January 30, 2020. That signaling means that everyone in the city can experience health effects; members of sensitive groups may experience even more severe health effects. The deaths in Wuhan or other parts of China where there are similar conditions may therefore be (partly) a result of air pollution. Chinese authorities have long been troubled by the continuously deteriorating air quality. For example, TV channel CNBC mentioned a study showing that “Beijing’s air is so polluted that breathing it in causes as much damage to the lungs as smoking 40 cigarettes a day.” Possibly the authorities see a sensational story about a virus as a welcome distraction from the real issues.
Not Very Contagious
The new Corona virus is reported to be spreading rapidly internationally. Since 99% of the cases are still in China at the time of this article, that message seems a bit exaggerated. In addition, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment reported on the morning of Jan. 29, 2020: “The disease, with what is known now, does not appear to be highly contagious. Nor does the disease appear to be easily transmissible from person to person.” Therefore, even if people have traveled elsewhere from Wuhan despite the travel ban, the chances of infecting others are very low. So how accurate are the reports about the spread of the Coronavirus? Nevertheless, the WHO declared the coronavirus a global health emergency, playing its part in spreading fear among the world’s population.
Pandemics and Fear
Insurance and vaccines have something in common. For both, fear must first be sown. If you insist enough on terrible consequences, you will sell your product. For vaccines, pandemics are fashionable to instill fear. We’ve seen it before with SARS, MERS, swine flu, Ebola and, the prelude to coronavirus, the zika virus.
News service Reuters reported on January 24, 2020 that “with the genetic code of the Wuhan virus in hand, scientists are beginning to work on a vaccine.” These are experimental vaccines. One of the companies involved in the development is called Moderna Inc, a biotechnology company specializing in vaccines based on synthetic messenger RNA (mRNA, messenger ribonucleic acid). mRNA is a chemical messenger that contains instructions for the production of proteins. The idea is to make a vaccine with instructions from one of the crown-like spikes on the surface of the corona virus (hence the name: corona = crown). It is hoped that when this instruction enters the body, the immune system will produce antibodies against the virus.
With this experimental technology, however, there is a risk that the body may start making antibodies against body cells and create autoimmune disease. It is not for nothing that to date there has never been an approved mRNA vaccine on the market. Especially with the great rush to develop it now, there is a good chance that a completely experimental product will appear on the market. Who will be the guinea pigs?
Who has a stake in vaccine development?
Since January 23, 2020, Moderna is sponsored by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a global alliance that funds and coordinates the development of vaccines against infectious diseases. CEPI was founded in Davos in 2017 by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Wellcome Trust.
The World Economic Forum is a kind of Bilderberg group, where people with money and influence agree on supranational policies to get even more money and influence. Autonomous governments with their own preferences and desires are cumbersome, if not a stumbling block, in achieving such a policy. A supranational organization such as the World Health Organization (WHO) that can define a single strategy for each member state is then particularly welcome.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) played a dubious role as well. For instance, in 2012 The Wall Street Journal reported, “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has bought stock in nine major pharmaceutical companies.” By investing in Merck & Co., Pfizer Inc., Johnson & Johnson and other drug manufacturers, BMGF has a financial stake in vaccine and drug manufacturing. According to BMGF’s website, Bill Gates’ plans for the next 10 years are crystal clear. “We need to make this the decade of vaccines,” said the former Microsoft top executive.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation & Alphabet (Google): sponsors of vaccine research (source: InfoWars)
Mail Online reported that Bill Gates predicted a Coronavirus-like outbreak in 2019. He did so in a miniseries on Netflix, Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak, in which he and Google’s parent organization Alphabet were the major sponsors of the subject of the miniseries: the development of a universal vaccine “When you think about something that could kill millions of people, a pandemic is our biggest risk,” he said.
Interestingly, at the time of writing, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was the second largest sponsor of the World Health Organization after the United States,* and the very “independent” WHO is the source of all the consternation surrounding 2019-nCoV.
Could it be that the whole fuss around the new virus is nothing more than the mass marketing of vaccines?
*The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the second largest sponsor in 2022, see here.
Want to Know More?
What is the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in health recommendations from organizations such as WHO or CDC? How is lobbying done? What is the revolving door between government and industry? Just how far does conflict of interest go? How can you determine whether health recommendations are sound or not?
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